What did Martin Scorsese do to the academy to deserve this? I mean, sure Million Dollar Baby was incredible, but doesn't Marty deserve to be validated after all these years? Personally, I think he's a little long winded and unfocused, but shoot, just give the man his Oscar and get on with it. He and Susan Lucci should sit down and talk sometime.
Other than that I was really happy about the Oscar turn out, but did anybody else see a little too much of Beyonce? What, did the original artists go on strike or something? Does she have the best manager ever (isn't it her dad? Maybe he offed a couple of them). I don't know, but all I do know is that someone who once sang "Bootylicious" should not attempt French choral works.
And what was up with Josh Grobin? I thought the kid could sing, but can anybody say key modulation? Bring that sucker up three notches and then maybe he could hit the notes. No chance in the world for that kid.
Other than that, things are good and well here. I had an exciting run in with a Justin Timberlake look alike. This kid was a dead-ringer. It actually could have been him, but I doubt it judging the crowd he was hanging with, and well, what would Justin Timberlake be doing in Whitefish, MT? Anyway, we went to see "Hotel Rwanda" the other night and got some dinner before hand at the Bulldog. We walk in, and this blonde guy is blocking the way, so I simply say, "Excuse me", and he moves, but when he turns around, a slight notion of recognition occurs.
I said to Ali and Debby, "Does that guy remind you of someone?" and Ali replied, "Um, he looks exactly like Justin Timberlake." At which point I proceeded to start humming the JT songs I know, all three of them. He didn't come up much in conversation except for the occasional, "I bet he gets that a lot," but when we left, I looked back to see if the other ladies were behind me and accidentally made eye-contact. I nearly jumped. Seriously, this guy could be his double. So weird.
"Hotel Rwanda" was great, and you should all go out and see "Million Dollar Baby" right now. "Sideways" was also very good. Haven't seen "The Aviator" or "Finding Neverland" yet, but they're on the list.
Ok, here's the stats:
New gray hairs: 2
New Birds: Bohemian Waxwings
First Grader Quote of the Week: "If I die, is everybody else going to eat me?"
Miles skied: 41
Pounds gained: 3.4 (Who gains weight on a meager food stipend? I'm saying it's muscle replacing fat.)
1 comment:
I totally would have told that "If I die, is everybody else going to eat me?" kid:
'Yes. Actually we're counting on it...Didn't pack a lunch today.'
But I'm an evil person.
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