Monday, August 28, 2006

Back in the Academic Saddle again

Here's how Monday went:
6:30, Son of a bitch, is that the alarm? Find it, find it, find it.....where the hell is the snooze on this thing? Could it sound any worse?
6:33, well, I'm awake now, might as well get up.
Breakfast consists of cold cereal with I have to get my stuff ready for school and ready to work out.
7:08 catch the bus (did I mention that I was running to catch it because soeur, with whom I am staying, is perpetually late, it's a good thing she's a track star)
7:16 arrive at the gym/rec center. If this place is any indication of the school's populus, I am in serious trouble. Make resolution to work out more, eat less, and stop drinking beer.
45 minutes on elyptical machine, do those things really work you out? It said I burned 400 calories, but I feel like I just walked for 10 minutes....hmmm......sit-ups, more sit-ups, did I mention the sit-ups? Must burn off beer gut, no more beer, no more beer.
8:30 Head to showers -I am a stinky beast
9:10 I'm in the office reading about Enteroblastic development.....I don't know what it is either.
It's interesting being back at school. The student body is very young, and I feel ever so slightly like a old fart, knowing I'm not, but still.
Classes are interesting. It's weird that I spend what would be a "working" day in class. Seriously? I'm getting paid to do this? Not much, but paid none-the-less.
Insurance is also a bonus in this whole equation. No longer will I put off going to the dentist! Drills and scrapers - bring it on!
I have yet to teach my first lab course. I'm trying to make it as fun as possible, because these people need to be entertained in order to like science. It's a small price to pay to define the difference between the lay term "theory" and the scientific definition of "theory". Maybe we'll finally put that ridiculous child of IDT to bed....maybe not. We'll see.
Anyhoo, I have regular internet access on my own computer, so this should be updating far more frequently than before. Until then, travel the winding road, and try not to trip on the potholes.