Friday, March 25, 2005

So irritated at the world

Has the world gone completely mad?! That's a rhetorical question, don't answer. I thought living in Montana, I would be immune from this crap about the world going to hell in a handbasket, but somehow, my escapist tactics have failed, and I am left pissed, and virtually incapable of doing anything because of my remoteness. Argh!!! How my plans have been foiled!
So, here is just a list of a few things that have put the proverbial bee in my bonnet:
Terry Schiavo, or "poor pawn for the religious right". Here's a good article about the Catholic Church's position on the case: It's an interview with a Jesuit bioethicist. Leave it to the Jesuits to make the Catholics sound sane. Are you meaning to tell me that congress, and the president for that matter, is going to overturn the decisions of the Judicial branch whenever they feel like it? And that the constitutional right of marriage means squat? What was all that hot air at the beginning of the electoral season about the sanctity and constitutional rights of marriage? Oh, right, something to get votes from right leaning moderates (Dad).
Ok, number two thing that is totally pissing me off: The whole Pro-athletes using steroid issue. Ok, these people get paid obscene amounts of money for the work they do, and they use drugs; drugs are illegal, steroids are drugs, and we prosecute normal people for using both. WE DON'T WASTE TAX PAYER DOLLARS BY HOLDING CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS OVER WHETHER OR NOT WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Throw Maguire and Sosa's ass in jail, increase teacher salaries and get on with it.
Number three thing really irking me: myopic disposition of this administration. "We're not going to do anything about global warming even though there is an overwhelming body of evidence to support the fact that this is unprecedented warming caused by human actions." I'm actually supposed to show an "Attitude of Gratitude" for the funding that the park service does get. So what they're saying is "Shut up and be happy for what you do get." Is Big Brother watching? Well, it doesn't really matter because all these places are going to be deserts in 150 years anyway. Hey, here's another link for a good article on Global Climate Change in Glacier N.P. so y'all can educate yourselves a little.
Breathe Mel, breathe.


Anonymous said...

You OK?
You are starting to sound like somebody else we know.

Melissa Smith said...

Jesus I know. No more MSN for Mel. I'm a much happier person with blissful ignorance in my corner.