Friday, July 22, 2011

A woman of a certain age

Among other happenings this year, I turned 30. I made sure to completely overload my schedule so that I wouldn't have the time or emotional energy to freak out about it. My PhD defense was the day after, I had a play the night of, and my final draft of my written dissertation was due that next Monday. However, in the not so busy moments that have followed turning 30, I've begun to realize I am doing things that women of a certain begin to do. For instance, to satiate the loneliness, and potentially the baby lust, I got a dog, or more appropriately, my parents got me a dog.

I frequently get these looks of reproach
 She's totally hilarious and with a ton of personality, but I don't think she quite has the effect my mother was hoping for when she sent my dad on an 800 mile errand to pick up the dog. She is not a guy magnent. Rather, she attracts small children and old ladies, which is not entirely bad, but doesn't do much for my dating life. 
She is constantly laughing at my silly human ways

It's also been interesting to see where my friends stand on the whole dog versus cat issue. One friend who I thought would be exclusively dog, is pretty luke warm to her. Another who I thought would be all cat, totally loves her. She is a bit feline-like.

Otherwise, it's nice to have a buddy for Zissou and she generally is very well behaved and has only destroyed non-essential items (so far) in her evenings of destruction.

What has been perhaps the most interesting experience of dog-ownership is the dog-park dynamic. Now, maybe you all knew this, but dog park people are a very strange, but very tight clique. Autumn immediately ingratiated herself because she's gorgeous. But I'm a bit awkward and apprehensive about the whole thing. I hate it when the 90lb lab humps her, and I'm not a fan of the pit mix that runs her down and bights her face. She's just a baby! And I almost went apeshit when someone said guinea pigs were stupid pets. Zissou is awesome and anyone who says otherwise is a gerbil lover.

So, hopefully I can stave off the weird middle-agedness for a few more decades. But in the meanwhile, the collie and the guinea pig are keeping my PhD company.
He may look like a dust bunny, but he's adorable!

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