Friday, September 15, 2006

Gray hairs and coffee stains

I am an old fart.

It hurts every time I say it. I thought I would just ignore the social security update that came in the mail. I've simply neglected the budding crop of gray hairs on the top of my head. I accept that I am older than the students I teach.....but when grad students all start saying, "Oh yeah, you are older than" What's so freaking amazing about that? Argh.
So, here is another point to prove my new found academic situation: current pages on favorites.
Dr. Fungus
Statistics for Dummies
iTunes (this is becoming a serious habit)
Bamboo Society of America
New York Botanical Garden Virtual Herbarium
You get the general idea....nerd.

So, just to prove I'm not that geeky I've posted this picture of Debby and I at our dress-up party. We were Captain Canada and the Royal Purple Crusaders!
So not geeky.

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