Friday, September 30, 2005

Follow the migratory path of Mel

Another summer come and gone, and as I stare out the window at the rain spattering on the parking lot, I think to myself, I can't wait for snow. But I'm not going to get snow this year. Nope, I'll be lending my services to.....SUNNY FLORIDA!!!!!! That's right folks! A non-paid expense trip to spend six months in North America's most unique ecosystem, the EVERGLADES! You'll spend five days a week canoeing with fifth graders, and alligators, and tromping through the dense swamps showing snakes, spiders, and other slitheries to curious visitors. But to give you a little idea of where I'm coming from, this is the current view from Lake McDonald:
This, however is what Everglades looks like right now:
Which one would you take? Yeah, I know it's a really hard decision. Ski for the winter, run around the swamp looking for things that can eat me. It's a toss up. At any rate, I'm very excited to be employed. Although, truth be told, I was looking forward to my six weeks of unemployment, but I suppose getting paid beats sitting on my parents' couch watching reruns and catching up on Hollywood gossip. That Brad and Angelina thing is really heatin' up though. Oh well.
Currently at Glacier, I'm working with the education groups from the surrounding area, and without fail, I have contracted my first of, I'm sure, many colds. Sore throat, aches, and a general lack of ambition. It's at times like these that I wish I had a tv. But book learnin' will have to do. I have to read through my new Everglades books, so that when I get there, I'm not like "Alligator, who?"
So, if anyone is planning a Florida vacation for the winter, look up Ranger Melissa up in Everglades National Park. I'll be stationed out of Homestead and Hidden Lake.


Anonymous said...

Hey Princess Fred, I caught a link off of Tom's blog and found this little gem! My word, you are surrounded by beauty. If I make it out to Florida, I'll be sure to look you up! Likewise, if you ever want to tour the windy city of Chicago--I'm here, baby. Studying improv and what not and looking for a job (I just moved.) that's the skinny. Peace to you.

Scientizzle, Ph.D. said...

Stupid blog comment advertisers.
I hate those guys...

And, um, not that anyone really needs to be shown around Portland, but I do know where some of the cool stuff is.

Anonymous said...

Hell, you can have Florida. I'ts the great big west for me. Big open spaces, that's the ticket!
I got called about a thre-month stretch in the Tetons, so we'll see. It'll be cold, but it will also beat Dayville.
Arrrggg... Where's that bottle of Jack...

Scientizzle, Ph.D. said...

Are you still migrating?

Scientizzle, Ph.D. said...

I still wanna know what "Squarl watersking" is...

Scientizzle, Ph.D. said...

Also, allow me to apologize profusely again for completely missing the boat on the whole Mel-was-in-Portland-and-Tom-was-too-stupid-to-call-and-see-her-in-time debacle.

I am, scientifically proven, an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Dude, what's up with all the deleted comments? Are people being mean, or just dumbasses?