Monday, August 22, 2005

Where can I see a glacier? What are those Alpine monkeys? and other funny things tourists say

Hello again from the crown of the continent, I finally broke down and got some pictures developed although the scanning of them was less than stellar (boo to Wal-Mart), I 'll have to scan the negatives myself sometime when I have a few minutes.
Let's see, the hiking tally is up to 247 miles, and 1 successfully completed peak ascent (Mt. Oberlin). I say peak ascent, but it's really a glorified day hike. Doesn't take too long and it's only a 1500 foot elevation gain. I'm sure we'll be doing some more in the near future, but we'll have to see. Went into Canada, and we were searched at the border. It might have had something to do with the large amounts of drugs and firearms I had stashed in the back of my Subaru. Come on. Do I really look that shady? Well, when we finally got over the border, it was poaring rain, and the prospect of putting a tent up in that seemed somewhat perilous, so we decided to sleep in the car. That's right, three adults, who had just consumed copious amounts of burritos where going to sleep in the back of my station wagon. Ewww.... Well, a few hours and a small bottle of Southern Comfort later, we were sound asleep like sardines in a little can. We woke up the next morning to the sound of hail pounding down on the roof of my new car (ouch), and gathered our berrings and drove into Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada. The hike started out sunny and beautiful, but quickly turned into a long, fog dense hike. Truthfully, we hiked 12 miles, and besides the first three miles, I have no idea what the rest of the trail looked like. When we got to the end, the shuttle to go back to car was not running, so we ambushed some nice mormons coming out of the visitor center and they gave us a ride.
Last weekend was a Canada weekend too, but not quite the amount of rain, but there was a little bit of haze from fires in Washington, so the pictures were somewhat unspectacular. Anyway, hope you all enjoy the pictures and come to Glacier!

1 comment:

Scientizzle, Ph.D. said...

Alpine monkeys?