Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Youthful indiscretion backfired!

So, for my 24th birthday, my bestfriend Leslie and I got pierced. She got a sweet industrial piercing and I got my tragus pierced. I've been feeling pretty bad-ass about the whole thing, because, well it hurt a lot, and it's just cool. One of the things you have to do for these piercings is clean them - a lot. So, I've been diligently cleaning the piercing, but perhaps too much so, because I think I have developed SWIMMER'S EAR!!! What?! I've been dumping so much soap and water down my ear that it has become inflamed. I know you have to worry about contracting things like bacterial infections, hepatitis, and ebola when you get pierced, but swimmer's ear? Come on!

Monday, April 11, 2005


So, what's the lure? Is it the sheer size, or scale of the place? The incredible long summer days? I don't know what it is, but somehow I find myself waiting to board another airplane to Anchorage.
Airports are strange places. It's constant transience punctuated by weird encounters and strange fixtures. For instance, at the Alaska Airlines concourse in Seattle, there is this water fountain that makes these water gurgling noises when you press the button to get a drink of water. The way this thing sounds, you would think that you were trying to get a drink out of Victoria Falls. Anyway, I think it's an art installment because it has a title, a name of someone, and a date printed on a little bronze label right next to it. For what purpose this serves, I'm unsure, but it certainly doesn't add any tranquility with its low pressure. I hate drinking fountains with low pressure - you always have to lean really far down to get a drink, coming dangerously close to touching the spigot. ewww....
Anchorage is Anchorage. I really don't like this town very much, but I'm excited to get to Seward and start working with the kids again. I mean school children, not Jacob Berg. The sky is a gorgeous azure, and the smog is at a minimum, allowing Denali to juxtapose itself between the few tall buildings here in Anchorage. People are gearing up for summer, and I take no small comfort in knowing that I will not have to be here, on an island, for the duration of the summer. The crazy train, called Seward in the summer, will not have me on board, phew!
Just working on shipping a few of my things back to Oregon, and that will be the end of my Alaska reign. I think everyone should try and live in Alaska for at least a little bit, just to experience the challenge. It's a great place to visit, but I'm not sure that I'm ready to live here again. Just a little too far away from the world.
Well, I have some more shameless copying of DVD's to do, but look forward to hearing some of the adventures in Seward that will be coming in the following weeks.